Sunday, May 29, 2011


Here she is!!! My sweet first niece. I can hardly believe it has been a month and 5 days since she was born. My sister is an incredible mom and  I am so proud of her determination and love she gives as a mom and a sister. Look at her Ministry Mommy blog.

                                      My Mom, Liberty, and my sister Jessica. Too cute, huh?

recently, I have been:
-honeymoon searching
-craving Pioneer Woman's Pico de Gallo and Guacamole Dip
-sheddin' for the weddin'
-listening to David Pawson favorite
-reading the Mystery of Marriage by Mike Mason
-tornado chasing... or dodging
-Luke and I had our engagement pictures taken...(coming soon :)
-a canceled trip to IHOP-KC...bummer
-fishing for some bass
and catching up with some dear college friends...time is a tickin' we have 3 months and 25 days to go :)